Luc & Sallie Durette

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Scope name: Aurora
Year: 1993
Limited edition: Limited
Signed: Yes
Scope type: Cell(parlor)
Exterior material: Wood/stained glass
Object cell type: Dry
Objects: Flowers/plants
Mirror system: 2 mirror
Symmetry: 6-point
Special features: This is #2 of 25. This is one of the Durette's most well known pieces. The exterior is a perfect blend of wood and stained glass. A very large eyepiece allows for a 3-D image. Both white and black background object trays are provided, into which you can place dried flowers, etc.

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Scope name: Sea
Year: 1995
Limited edition: Production
Signed: Etched
Scope type: Cell(handheld)
Exterior material: Wood(veneer)
Object cell type: Dry
Objects: Flowers/plants
Mirror system: 2 mirror
Symmetry: 7-point
Special features: Dried flowers in the object cell are highlighted against the black background.

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Scope name: Kaleidoscopia
Year: 1995
Limited edition: Limited
Signed: Yes
Scope type: Various
Exterior material: Various
Object cell type: Wet and dry
Objects: Various
Mirror system: Various
Symmetry: Various
Special features: This is #94/100. This is a 5 scope set of mini-scopes commissioned by Cozy Baker, and contains scopes by Carolyn Bennett, Ben Ansley, Sherry Moser, Peggy and Steve Kittleson, and Luc and Sallie Durette.

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Scope name: Shadowdancer
Year: 1998
Limited edition: Production
Signed: Etched
Scope type: Cell(handheld)
Exterior material: Wood(veneer)
Object cell type: Oil-filled
Objects: Glass(lampworked)
Mirror system: 2 mirror
Symmetry: 7-point
Special features: Dichroic glass and Czechoslovakian glass beads. Adjustable shading of the object cell background via a polarizing filter. Birdseye maple with Inlaid colored wood bands on tube. Wood stand.

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Scope name: Bali Hai Botanicals
Year: 2000
Limited edition: Limited
Signed: Etched
Scope type: Cell(parlor)
Exterior material: Wood(solid)
Object cell type: Oil-filled
Objects: Glass(lampworked)
Mirror system: 2 mirror
Symmetry: 7-point
Special features: This is #7 of 25. Collaboration with Earl McNeil: multiple layers of hardwood veneers, lathe-turned, expose symmetrical patterns that match the symmetry of the mirror system. Unbelievable flame-worked glass. Rich, bright colors: solid, multi-striped, some with dabs of extra color

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Scope name: Splash
Year: 2001
Limited edition: Production
Signed: Etched
Scope type: Cell(handheld)
Exterior material: Wood(veneer)
Object cell type: Dry
Objects: Glass
Mirror system: 2 mirror
Symmetry: 10-point
Special features: This is an amazing scope, albeit with a modest exterior. The back of the object cell turns independently, and creates a background which changes from white to sections of pinks, blues, and greens. The chamber also turns, revealing pieces that look almost hand colored.

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Scope name: Into The Forest (A Midwinter Night's Dream)
Year: 2007
Limited edition: Limited
Signed: Yes
Scope type: Cell(handheld)
Exterior material: Wood (solid)
Object cell type: Wet
Objects: Pine cones, cypress, plated
Mirror system: 2 mirror
Symmetry: 7-point
Special features: This is the Christmas kaleidoscope from the Durettes for 2007. Laser cut ornamental wood which mimics the "scherenschnitte" (scissor-cutting) technique. Body is figured Western Maple. Cell objects include pine cones, cypress, and leaves that are gold plated, some handpainted. Czechoslovakian glass pearls, glazed ceramic pieces.